
Monday, 29 August 2016

Today I am going to tell you why we should wear uniform. My name is Jayden and I think we should wear a uniform.

We should wear uniform because we  are supporting our school. A uniform looks smart and when we are on a school  trip we are representing our school and we should look good.

Imagine the time we would save each morning if we didn't have to choose clothes to wear. It would make our Mums and our lives a lot less stressful in the mornings.

think my parents would love it if I wore a uniform as it would cost a lot less money to buy a uniform than buy normal clothes for school.

Imagine the time we would save each morning if we didn't have to choose clothes to wear. It would make our Mums and our lives a lot less stressful in the mornings.

think my parents would love it if I wore a uniform as it would cost a lot less money to buy a uniform than buy normal clothes for school.

this my speech

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